What is Reformed Theology?
What is Reformed Theology? A Teaching Series by Dr. R.C. Sproul
“Liberal, Catholic, Dispensational, Pentecostal, Evangelical, Reformed… with so many different theologies out there, where do you start? Beginning this series about Reformed Theology, Dr. Sproul examines distinctive aspects of Reformed Theology which set it apart from the many theologies that have developed before and after the Protestant Reformation.”
Welcome to a Reformed Church A video series from Second Presbyterian Church Greenville, SC 29601
An Overview of Reformed Theology From Monergism.com
Reformed theology…
…presupposes God’s Word alone as our ultimate authority.
…stresses the sovereignty of God, that is, His reign over all things, meticulously determining (Eph 1:11)
all that comes to pass (i.e. God is never taken by surprise).
…ephasizes a Christ-Centered proclamation of the gospel, that salvation is wholly of God, by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone as revealed in the Scripture alone to the Glory of God alone.
…views the Bible as a redemptive-historical organic unfolding of revelation which is structured by three
covenants (redemption, works and grace).